A new television anime called The Demon Sword Master of Excalibur Academy, which is based on a series of fantasy light novels about an all-powerful demon king who is reborn in the body of a 10-year-old child, has now unveiled its main cast. The following actors are featured prominently throughout the series:
Leonis voiced by Marina Inoue
Riselia voiced by Yui Ishikawa
Regina voiced by Aya Suzuki
Elfiné voiced by Hiromi Igarashi
Sakuya voiced by Honoka Kuroki
Shari voiced by Arisa Nakada
Written by Yu Shimizu and illustrated by Asagi Tohsaka, the original The Demon Sword Master of Excalibur Academy light novels are published in Japan by Media Factory (a division of KADOKAWA) under their MF Bunko J imprint. An English language version is also available from Yen Press.
Yen Press describes the story:
Battles for ancient kingdoms are nothing compared to the battles of a classroom! Awakening from magical stasis after a thousand years, the Dark Lord Leonis suddenly finds himself in the body of a ten-year-old boy! He quickly meets Riselia, a girl confronting the Voids, creatures that have nearly exterminated humanity. Determined to uncover the mysteries of this strange new era, Leonis enrolls in Excalibur Academy, a school that trains students to fight back against these enigmatic monsters. Could the Voids hold some connection to Leonis's past?
The official release date and crew members for the anime production have not been announced, but we will be sure to keep you up to date as more information is released.
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