City Hunter, a once popular Weekly Shonen Jump manga series in the 80s written and illustrated by Tsukasa Hojo, is making its magnificent return to the big screen in Japan sometime soon, as they just released the trailer. This film, as it stands currently, is titled City Hunter: The Movie. The manga series ran for over 150 issues totaling up to 35 volumes from 1985 to 1991.
City Hunter follows the story of Ryo Saeba, a somewhat perverse private detective, who after his partner's death, takes it upon himself to look after his fallen comrade's tomboy of a sister, Kaori. She then becomes his new partner, and the series follows them as they maneuver through the criminal world of Tokyo, balancing a working and romantic relationship all while trying to complete the next job.
The series has seen several adaptations, including multiple anime series directed by Kenji Kodama, who is also returning as director for this feature film, as well as the voice actors of the two protagonists, Ryo and Kaori, voiced by Akira Kamiya and Ikura Kazue respectively in Kodama's television anime series'. There is no substantial information about the plot for this film, but it looks to have a release date of February 8th, 2019.
There have also been a couple live action adaptations, one featuring Jackie Chan in a live-action Hong Kong movie, as well as a Korean Television Drama series of the same name.
Here's the new trailer for the film, City Hunter: The Movie: