In 1979, manga creative duo Yedetamago created the shonen series Kinnikuman. The series took the idea of professional wrestling and mixed it with science fiction, giving characters powers that are as outrageous as their gimmicks.
The original series ran until 1987, a storyline that spawned an anime multiple films. One anime series even made its way to the west under the name Ultimate Muscle. The creative duo would continue to return to the series with various one-shots in 2015 and 2019, while continuing the original storyline, in 2011, as a free webcomic.
As the COVID-19 pandemic began to make its way through the country, many manga series were made to have to put their books on hiatus and wait out the virus until working conditions were safe again. This included the Kinnikuman series, which was initially meant to return in May but was extended.
As the duo proclaimed to "knock out the virus with our friendship power!", they also lifted the spirits of many readers by releasing a small one-shot book and other minor works of the series, for free. Thankfully, a recent reveal has come that announces just when the manga will return!
On the creator's official Twitter, an announcement came that revealed that the manga would be returning at the end of the month! With the wait finally approaching an end, now is a great time to catch up on past chapters! Don't forget to share your thoughts on the update in the comments!
The story involves Kinnikuman (real name Suguru Kinniku), a clumsy, foolish, comical superhero who discovers that he is the missing prince of the planet Kinniku (known for producing the greatest superheroes in the universe). Since he is a clumsy fool, however, he must prove himself worthy of the throne.
To do so he enters wrestling competitions and battles evil Chojin, culminating in a tournament between Kinnikuman and five pretenders to the throne: Kinnikuman Big Body, Soldier, Zebra, Mariposa and Super Phoenix. Many of Kinnikuman's allies begin as villains (Ramenman, Buffalo Man, Ashuraman and Warsman) or arrogant heroes (Terryman, Robin Mask and Rikishiman). The heroes and villains are collectively known as Chojin, which literally means "supermen".
Kinnikuman returns on June 29th!