Another "reunion" has been added to the anime pipeline. Not the be confused with recently announced Shichisei no Subaru (aka Seven Senses of the Re'Union). Nippon Ichi Software and Broccoli's Z/X Zillions of enemy X collectable card game/multi-media franchise upcoming V jump manga Z/X Code reunion will also be featured in a 2019 anime. The two following tweets announcethe 2019 anime release with some of the art of the project!
The franchise previously had a 2014 anime called Z/X Ignition. Here is the official trailer of the series for your viewing pleasure! What are your thoughts on the article? Are you familiar with the Z/X franchise? Have you played the card game? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below!
Z/X Ignition Synopsis:
"In the not-so-distant future, five portals suddenly appeared acting as gateways to alternative worlds. However, these five worlds are actually the same world, but in different timelines. As the situation becomes increasingly dire, the inhabitants of each world will stop at nothing to ensure the survival of their own timeline, even at the expense of the other timelines. The key to survival lies in one card-shaped device...”