The sequel to the first ever Godzilla anime film finds Godzilla and Mechagodzilla's roles reversed as the intimidating mechanical kaiju is actually serving as the last hope of humanity against the colossal king of all monsters.
The sequel will continue to follow Haruo Sakaki as he discovers the hidden jungle tribe, the Houtua. They're the descendants of the remnants of humanity that were left behind when humanity, the Exif, and the Bilusaludo vacated the planet after Godzilla and other kaiju emerged to wreak havoc.
It's later revealed that the Houtua worshipped Mothra, who was previously defeated by Godzilla but left behind two eggs. It's also revealed that the weapons the Houtua use are actually made from the armor adorned by Mechagodzilla, who was previously believed to have been destroyed. Mothra? Mechagodzilla? It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out where the sequel is headed. The only thing that's missing is Rodan.