The anime adaptation of Kakeru Kobashiri and Yoshinori Shizuma and Takashi Iwasaki's light novel series The Dawn of the Witch (known in Japan as Mahoutsukai Reimeiki) is currently being broadcast in Japan and streaming on Crunchyroll. A brand new credit-free version of the opening animation sequenece has been released and it's sure to get anime fans excited who aren't familiar with the series.
The video, included below, includes "Dawn of Infinity", the official opening theme song for the series, that's performed by fripSide.
The Japanese light novel fantasy series is written by Kakeru Kobashiri and illustrated by Takashi Iwasaki, with character designs by Yoshinori Shizuma. It is a sequel to Grimoire of Zero. It was first published in August of 2018.
The Dawn of the Witch also has a manga adaptation with art by Tatsuwo. It has been serialized in Kodansha's shōnen Manga magazine Monthly Shōnen Sirius since 2019.
The story follows Saybil, a young magic student who has lost his memory. He meets a silver-haried woman, along with the promise of "special training", but all is not as it seems.
The anime adaptation is directed by Satoshi Kuwabara and is animated by Tezuka Productions. It is currently being broadcast in Japan on Tokyo Broadcasting System and BS11. It is also currently streaming on Crunchyroll as part of their spring 2022 anime simulcast lineup.
The Dawn of the Witch Synopsis: Seville is a student at a magic academy who has no memories of anything from before he joined the school. Not understanding why he’s there, the time he spends at the academy feels hollow and empty. And since he doesn't know how to work hard, his grades are always the lowest in his year. Then, one day, the school headmaster, Albus, orders Seville to participate in a dangerous special training. "I want you to spread the use of magic in an area where they hold witch hunts." It has only been a few years since the war between the church and the witches came to an end—the world has not yet fully accepted witches and their magic. This is the dawn of the age of the witch. This is the story of how a young man, a boy who is no one special, and his companions, who all hold wounds in their hearts, set out and end up finding themselves.