Crunchyroll adds to its anime catalog the animated series Frankenstein Family, an adaptation of the original comic by the Taiwanese artist Yanai. The first two episodes of this anime are now available both on the web and in the platform's application. You can find the original version with subtitles for everyone except Asia. Every Wednesday, two new episodes will be released.
The anime of Jikken-hin Kazoku: Creatures Family Days is a Taiwanese and Japanese production made by Big Firebird Cultural Media Co. Wei Tianxing directs the anime with script written by Cai Zhiheng, while Li Xiangmei is in charge of adapting Yanai's designs.
Liang Zhongwen is credited as producer of the series. Tomohiro Seki joins the project as sound director for the Japanese version of the series, while Masahiro Hiramitsu (Kenka Banchō Otome: Girl Beats Boys) is the animation producer. Rin Akatsuki (Blue Exorcist: Kyoto Saga, Silver Guardian) with his song "Early Days" produces the main theme in the animated series.
Here is the voice acting cast:
Riho Sugiyama as Tanis
Nanako Mori as Aisley
Yoshiko Ikuta as Suishi
Saori Hayami as Ashise
Daisuke Namikawa as Snow
Yanai began the publication of Jikken-hin Kazoku: Creatures Family Days in the December issue of Comic magazine Bunch. The work marks the debut in Japan of this Taiwanese author.
The series centers on a family where both parents are mad scientists, and where both brother and sister are modded humans called "creatures." The family members aim to become a "normal" family.