Detective Conan is a long running manga, anime and film series that has kept the fans enthralled for years. Currently, the latest release in the franchise will be the 23rd film in the series;
Detective Conan: Fist of the Blue Sapphire. This is the first film in the series that will be taking place out of Japan, this time in Singapore, that features our main character and a few others, looking for an ancient artifact and its relation to a murder. The film's website has unveiled a new poster, promising a conflict between the characters
Shinichi Kudo,
Kid Kaito and
Makoto Kyogoku. Feel free to check out the image below!
All of the original voice actors for their respective characters will be returning to the film and the composer and director of "
The Crimson Love Letter" will also be coming back! Excited for the new film? Share what you think in the comments!
Detective Conan: Fist of the Blue Sapphire premiers, in Japan, on April 12th!