The Hunter X Hunter manga has been around since the year 1998, and for some reason, creator Yoshihiro Togashi is having a difficult time bringing the story to a definite end. It’s something he thinks about, but so far, he has been unable to follow through on his thoughts.
In a recent interview with Togashi dug into the man’s mind in regards to Hunter x Hunter. It shows that he wants to put an end to the story and get it over with. At the same time, he realizes that there might come a day he might die before ending the story.
“I also need to think about wrapping up Hunter x Hunter once and for all. There have been a lot of times when it stops showing up on the pages of Shonen Jump, and I’m sure people are wondering what I’m going. But just as a comedian doesn’t show up on TV for a while sometimes, he’s still working somewhere else, and I’m working every day,” Togashi wrote.
“Sometimes I’m not sure which will expire first, the series or me,” he added.
Does this mean Togashi will put more effort into giving fans the very the thing they cherish, an actual end to Gon’s journey? Well, we have no idea, but we do know there are a lot of things he wants to add to the overall story.
He had the following to say during the celebration of the Weekly Shonen Jump’s 50th anniversary:
“From my perspective as a writer, there are still many things in it left that I want to write, that I would enjoy writing. And so if anyone would be willing to enjoy this ride with me, that is all I can hope for.”