My Isekai Life: I Gained a Second Character Class and Became the Strongest Sage in the World is the latest installment in the popular slime-based anime and today we have the first trailer and artwork for the upcoming series!
The trailer includes the voice of Chiaki Kobayashi from SK8 the Infinity anime as Yūji Sano, a typical company employee who is summoned to another world where he becomes a slime tamer and sage.
The army of slimes seen in the new video include voice actors such as Hikaru Tohno, Mai Kanno, Haruna Mikawa, Erisa Kuon, Nichika Omori, and Miharu Hanai.
The upcoming anime series is set to debut this year (2022) and is based upon the My Isekai Life light novels by Shinkoshoto and Huuka Kazabana. It is being directed by Keisuke Kojima, who is also handling character design. It's being animated at studio Revoroot. Composition and music is being done by Naohiro Fukushima and Gin, respectively.