Adapted from Nobuhiro Watsuki's Rurouni Kenshin manga, the anime series was immensely popular in the late nineties and spawned several spinoff anime films. In recent years, the manga has been adapted into a live-action film series directed by Keishi Otomo.
Funimation provided the following synopsis of the series:
Welcome to the Meiji Era. Japan is a land experiencing times of troubled peace and renewal after a long and bloody civil war. Swords and killing are outlawed, but all is not as it would seem. Lurking in the shadows are many survivors of the revolution awaiting their chance for vengeance.
Only the former government assassin, Kenshin Himura, can keep the peace. Kenshin gives up the life of “Battousai the Manslayer” and sets off as a lone wanderer. His travels lead to the Kamiya Dojo where he discovers the chance to start life over.
The anime will be available with English subtitles or an English dub from Aniplex.
Are you a fan of Rourin Kenshin? Planning on rewatching the series? Let us know in the comments section.