Although Shonen Jump still has Gintama and One Piece, the conclusion of Naruto, Bleach and Toriko -combined with the hiatus of Hunter X Hunter has left the shonen magazine at a crossroads. While there are a number of series teetering on the verge of stardom, SJ is being cautious about what to market in Japan and overseas after series such as World Trigger and Fairy Tail failed to reach the same lofty heights as Naruto, Bleach and One Piece.
A poll of 3,000 SJ readers voted for what should be the next "poster" SJ series and the results weren't close.
Haikyu!! (28%)
Hunter X Hunter (13.5%)
My Hero Academia (10.6%)
The Disastrous Life of Saiki K. (7.7%)
World Trigger (7.5%)
Food Wars! Shokugeki no Soma (7.3%)
Black Clover (4.4%)
Boruto: Naruto Next Generations (4%)
Isobe Isobee Monogatari ~Ukiyo wa Tsurai yo~ (2.75%)
Hinomaru Zumō (2.7%)
Kimetsu no Yaiba (2.5%)
Yuragi-sō no Yūna-san (2.36%)
The Promised Neverland (2.26%)
Straighten Up! Welcome to Shika High's Competitive Dance Club (2.13%)
Samon-kun wa Summoner (1.43%)
Ole Golazo (1.23%)
Seishun Heiki Number 1 (1.03%)
Amalgam of Distortion (0.96%)
Demon's Plan (0.9%)
Haikyu!! was the clear runaway favorite, followed by Hunter X Hunter. However, the latter is currently on hiatus for the "umpteenth" time and has already had two separate anime adaptations over its 19 years of publication. Haikyu!! is already proving popular among the anime community but do you think it can take the next step and ascend to the same heights of the "poster" series that have come before?