This could very well be the end of the Naruto Shippuden anime series on TV Tokyo. Ahead of the this years finale, TV Tokyo announced that Snack World would be replacing Naruto Shippuden in the 7:30 time slot on April 13th, 2017.
Naruto Shippuden has been biding some time with new episodes created from canon epilogue novels, but time is running out for Naruto Shippuden. Naruto Shippuden has survived awhile since Kishimoto’s manga ended and there are possiblilities floating out there of how they could make it work, but who knows.
Shueisha's Weekly Shonen Jump magazine released a teaser earlier this month for the "Konoha Hiden" (Hidden Leaf Story) finale arc of the Naruto Shippūden television anime series will air on March 23 with the anime's 500th episode. The franchise has been a smash hit with a whopping 720 episodes in the franchise's history.
Weekly Shonen Jump didn't say whether or not the Naruto Shippuden anime will continue on after March 23rd, which, is further proof that the anime could be ending. The final episode airs on March 23rd, 2017 and focuses on Iruka's message to Naruto as Naruto's wedding present.