Funimation has announced that The Heike Story anime, an all-new original anime series inspired by Hideo Furukawa's original story The Tale of the Heike, will begin streaming this fall as part of Funimation's Fall 2021 anime season lineup. The entire season will be broadcast ahead of its broadcast in Japan!
Studio Science SARU (Keep Your Hands Off Eizouken!) is working on the all-new original anime series and The Heike Story will be directed by Naoko Yamada. Iconic composer Reko Yushida will serve as the series composer, with music by Kensuke Ushio. Stars of the series include Aoi Yuki as Biwa and Takahiro Sakurai as Taira no Shigemori.
The Heike Story is said to be a beuatiful and epic period piece unlike any other. It is based upon The Tale of the Heike, the original story by Hideo Furukawa that chronicles the struggle between the Taira clan and Minamoto clan as they battle for control of Japan at the end of the 12th century.
Funimation has released a new first look teaser trailer to celebrate! Make sure and check it out below and share your thoughts in the comment section below!
The Heike Story's will be available via Funimatin's official streaming app beginning next week on September 15th, 2021.