Early in the AM on July 18th, a deadly fire brokeout at one of three Kyoto Animation (affectionately known as KyoAni) studios. At the outset of the fire, reports initially stated that there were serious injuries but just a few hours later, the situation grew far darker as it was revealed that the blaze had resulted in 33 deaths and 35 serious inuries. It wasl also revealed that the blaze was no accident and had been intentionally set as the Japanese police has apprehended a 41-year-old male suspect.
It's now being reported (via Yahoo Japan) that the arsonist set blaze to the building because he believed that the studio had stolen ideas from his novel in one of their projects. Additional information revealed that the fire was set using gasoline and was intenitonally set near the front door to block means of escape. Trapped employees raced to the roof in an effort to escape.
Japan's Prime Minister Shinzō Abe also weighed in on the grave matter.
Founded in 1981, KyoAni operated as a support studio, working on such hits as InuYasha and Tenchi Universe before breaking out as a full-fledged studio with such hits as Air, The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya, Clannad, Free!, Beyond the Boundary and most recently, Violet Evergarden.