Ponyo, the much-loved 2008 theatrical anime film from director Hayao Miyazaki and Studio Ghibli, is commemorating its 15th anniversary with a series of theatrical screenings in the United States as part of the Studio Ghibli Fest 2023 roster from GKIDS! Little mermaids can create huge problems, and now Ponyo is celebrating its anniversary with a series of screenings!
The film will screen at participating theaters according to the following schedule (local times):
- Sunday, May 7 at 4:00 PM (English Dubbed) and 7:00 PM (English Dubbed)
- Monday, May 8 at 7:00 PM (Japanese with Subtitles)
- Wednesday, May 10 at 7:00 PM (Japanese with Subtitles)
You can check on where the screenings for the film will be available by clicking here!
Check out the anniversary trailer for Ponyo below:
Not familiar with the classic Ponyo anime film? Here's a little bit about the film:
Perfect for audiences of all ages, Ponyo centers on the friendship between five-year-old Sosuke and a magical goldfish named Ponyo, the young daughter of a sorcerer father and a sea-goddess mother. After a chance encounter, Ponyo yearns to become a human so she can be with Sosuke. As to be expected with Miyazaki, the film is awash in pure unbridled imagination and visual wonder — but it is the tender love, humor, and devotion exhibited by Ponyo and Sosuke that form the emotional heart of the film.
Let us know in the comments if you will be going to any of the film's screenings!