Based on the 2005 manga series by Daisuke Igarashi, Children of the Sea is a beautiful tale that mixes mystery and wonder. The series ran until 2011 and published five volumes in Shogakukan's Monthly Ikki magazine.
Initially released in Japan, the cosmic story of a girl who meets two boys in an aquarium and embarks on a mind-blowing adventure was a huge hit among viewers. The movie was released by Studio 4°C in 2019 and intended to have a western release; however, the COVID-19 pandemic forced the screening to be canceled.
Now, it looks as though the west can finally enjoy the beautifully animated story as the film is available to own for home video! Released through GKIDS, some of the movie's special features include interviews with the composer, behind the scenes breakdowns, cast interviews, trailers, and much much more!
With all of the buzz surrounding this film and the artistic value being held at such high regard, the film is a must-own for anyone with an eye for a heartfelt story. We would love to hear your thoughts on the news in the comments below!
When Ruka was younger, she saw a ghost in the water at the aquarium where her dad worked. Now she feels drawn toward the aquarium and the two mysterious boys she meets there, Umi and Sora, who were raised by dugongs and hear the same strange calls from the sea as she does. As the kids get caught up in the mystery behind the sudden worldwide disappearance of the ocean’s fish, they uncover cosmic connections that will change them forever.
Children of the Sea is available now for Blu-Ray, DVD, and Digital!