Lupin the 3rd is an anime series that has stood the test of time, for decades. Being able to claim a spot with some of the greats like Gundam, Astro Boy and Gigantor. After a long running animated series, director Takashi Yamazaki decided to help bring Lupin to the CG world in his first CG animated film. Lupin the 3rd: The First, when it released in Japan, was a huge hit among fans and left many in North America wondering when they would get to see the film. Now, those prayers seem to be answered!
In a recent reveal, GKIDS has announced that the company has acquired the film rights to the CG film and is expected to release in North America! GKIDS is well known for releasing a lot of the Studio Ghibli films and the recent runaway hit, Weathering With You. While there are plans for a dubbed and subbed version to release, there has been no word on an official release date.
Excited for this news? Ready to see the new Lupin the 3rd film in North America? Make sure to share your thoughts in the usual spot!