Kugane Maruyama's Overlord is a light novel series that was released in 2010. The series tells the story of a world where virtual reality gaming is the latesst craze. When one game is unexpectedly shut down, a young man named Momonga decides to stay logged in. As the NPCs begin to gain sentience, he becomes the Overlord, an intense skeletal wizard who now plans to conquer the new world that forms around him.
The light novel series was asuch a success that the property was adapted in to an anime, in 2015. The series, as of now, has released three seasons, all of which have had overwhelmingly positive results. The novel series, however, has had about 14 compiled volumes release, with the ending of the series coming sooner than some may have expected.
The final volume of Overlord has officially been announced as the 17th volume. This was confirmed by Maruyama, in the 14th compiled volume. While no official release date for the final volume has been released, it is expected that the series will end this year.
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