Godzilla, the popular kaiju franchise, is looking to become more popular than ever before. Hollywood is planning a sequel to the 2014 movie, while Japan, as always, has a slew of plans for the king of monsters going forward.
If you weren’t aware, Japan has a Godzilla anime trilogy in the works, and the second installment has finally made it outside of the land of the rising sun. Folks have begun to give their reactions, and well, things are not as we expected.
Nicholas Driscoll from the Toho Kingdom posted his reactions to the movie online, and from what he has to say, it would appear as if Godzilla: City on the Edge of Battle is decent, but lack enough action to get whet the appetite of fans.
“Early on in the movie, as Haruo and other survivors meet the natives, I enjoyed some of the world building and design work, accompanied by moody music and various nods to the Godzilla fandom,” according to Driscoll.
He then went on to talk much about the lack of action, and most importantly, the non-existent of a battle between Godzilla and another giant monster. That’s quite disappointing since the best scenes of any Godzilla movie is of the creature going toe-to-toe with another giant kaiju.
Not to mention, it seems as if the animation was a let down for Driscoll, another major surprise because this is not a TV episode.
“This may be a small spoiler, but Godzilla: City on the Edge of Battle has, if anything, LESS monster action than the previous film. Once again we have very long stretches of the movie with almost no monster action, but lots and lots of talking, strategizing, speculating about evolution and so on. Don’t expect a riveting action movie.”
While this review doesn’t paint Godzilla: City on the Edge of Battle in a good light, we’re not going to make a judgment until we’ve seen the movie for ourselves. Who knows, Mr. Driscoll could be wrong.