Recently the King of the Monsters, Godzilla, has been releasing a trilogy of anime films that have been very liked by the fanbase. This may we will be getting the second film in the trilogy titled, Godzilla: Kessen Kido Zoshoku Toshi (Godzilla: City on the Edge of Battle). The big hook of the film is that this new film will feature a battle between Godzilla Earth and MechaGodzilla! The promotion for the film has recently been shown to be partnering with Spa Resort Hawaiians in Iwaki, Fukushima. This will take place during Japan's Golden Week holiday (May 3-6); just before the film's release!
Some of the exhibits present include the first Godzilla head model standing at 13 feet tall. There will also be a 7-foot statue of Godzilla Earth and a multitude of other suits that have been used in filming for the various films. It's a complete Godzilla exhibition!
If you find yourself in the area during this event, starting on April 24th, there will be a bus that will take guests from Tokyo to the resort at no charge while being wrapped in collaborative art and visuals from the film. This seems like a fun collaborative promo event for the new film that will really get fans excited for the giant kaiju. The next film in the trilogy releases May 18th, 2018.