Gosho Aoyama's Case Closed (also known as Detective Conan), is a mystery series that follows the young detective, Edogawa, on his many adventures across the world. The series first released in 1994 in the pages of Shogakukan's Weekly Shonen Sunday.
The manga has had multiple iterations, through various forms of media released. This includes a long-running anime and also a film series. As of now, 23 films have been released under the Detective Conan title. The franchise has always been a fun mystery franchise that has a loyal fanbase that has helped keep the spirit alive.
Initially, the most recent film in the series, Detective Conan: The Silver Bullet, was set to release in April of this year. However, as the COVID-19 pandemic began to spread, the film was put on indefinite hold with no release date set.
Thankfully, TOHO, the company releasing the film, has rescheduled the film's release to the spring of next year. While the wait is a lot longer than previously expected, Aoyama decided to do something special for the fans. On the Detective Conan Twitter, in it, he drew up a fun picture of Conan, Shuichi, and Masumi.
In the drawing, the characters state that they are sorry for the wait but vow that everyone is hard at work to release it on schedule and want it to be perfect for the fans. The delay may be long, but it looks like this newest film will be made with even more love and care than before, with the fans in mind. Don't forget to share your thoughts about the release!
In the story, Japan is celebrating the upcoming World Sports Games (WSG), the world's largest sporting event, in Tokyo. The "Japanese Bullet," the world's first vacuum-tube super-conducting linear train, is built with the latest Japanese technology and timed to coincide with the WSG opening ceremonies.
The train is set to run from Shin Nagoya Station to Tokyo Station at up to 1,000 kilometers per hour (about 600 miles per hour). However, a bizarre incident occurs during a party held by famous major sponsors, leading to a string of kidnappings of top executives. Conan deduces a possible link to serial abductions in the WSG 15 years earlier in Boston.
Detective Conan: The Scarlet Bullet is premiering in April 2021!