Dr.Stone is one of the most recent manga series to release that has helped usher in a new era of shonen stories for readers new and old. The series was created by Riichiro Inagaki and artist Boichi and tells the story of a young genius who, after escaping an event that turned all living things to stone, uses his genius to help speed up civilization back to where it left off, with the help of some friends.
Following the massive success of the manga, an anime series was later greenlit that has since completed its first season. The show has been a worldwide success, and the announcement of a second season came as no surprise to anyone.
However, what has surprised many is the reveal that the series' second season will be streaming on the Crunchyroll streaming service early next year! To help celebrate the momentous occasion, a visual was created by the staff of the show that can be seen below!
This is sure to be the first of many surprises coming for the streaming service, so make sure to stay tuned! We would love to hear your thoughts on the announcement and artwork in the comments below!
Several thousand years after a mysterious phenomenon that turns all of humanity to stone, the extraordinarily intelligent, science-driven boy, Senku Ishigami, awakens. Facing a world of stone and the total collapse of civilization, Senku makes up his mind to use science to rebuild the world. Starting with his super-strong childhood friend Taiju Oki, who awakened at the same time, they will begin to rebuild civilization from nothing... Depicting two million years of scientific history from the Stone Age to the present day, the unprecedented crafting adventure story is about to begin!
Dr.Stone season 2 will head to Crunchyroll on January 2021!