The Fate franchise is one of the biggest anime franchises to come out of Japan. With multiple iterations of the series released, there is more than enough variety for people who are interested in the property.
The fate series has crossed multiple mediums of entertainment, including anime, video games, and even manga! With all of these platforms for fans to partake in, a single location for everyone to convene was inevitable, Enter Fate/Grand Order Fes.
This convention is typically held in Japan and has been running for five years. The most recent convention was to be held at the TOKYO DOME for the 5th anniversary. However, things changed as the COVID-19 pandemic came to the country.
The COVID-19 virus spread around the world at a rapid rate and has forced various projects, events, productions, and businesses to close entirely or postpone specific dates. Sadly, the Fate/Grand order convention was apart of those cancellations.
Initially, the event was to open on August 10th; however, since the new guidelines restrict event attendance to 50% capacity, the event was forced to cancel because 90% of the sold tickets would be hard to regulate in accordance with the guidelines.
The blow hits hard to all of the fans that planned on going, yet, the staff is still planning on celebrating the 5th anniversary in some way. Event staff also announced they would be refunding ticket sales to guests.
While this is the safest solution to all of the guests, it is no doubt a disappointing announcement to have to be made. Make sure to share your thoughts on the closure in the usual spot.
The story of Fate/Grand Order takes place in a distant future where you play the part of a young candidate in a research facility aimed at preserving humanity and that has developed a time travel technology that allows them to send people to various points in time.
Fate/Grand Order Fes. will announce a replacement celebration as soon as possible.