The Files of Young Kindaichi is a live-action television series based on the manga series by Seimaru Amagi, Yozaburo Kanari, and Fumiya Sato. Shunsuke Michieda plays the fifth generation of Hajime Kindaichi in the show. The show was produced and broadcast on NTV (Japan's national broadcaster) in February 2022.
It was Young Kindaichi's debut live-action series that was slated to premiere on Disney+ in other countries, and now on Hulu streaming services.
Kindaichi Case Files tells the story of a young man named Kindaichi. He is overall very unsuspecting but when a crime occurs, he activates his detective talents that he inherited from his detective grandfather. The series has been a massive success, even cossing over with Detective Conan, and getting its own anime series! On top of that, a spin-off series titeld Kindaichi Case Files: Criminal Case Files, was created by Shinpei Funatsu.
Besides Kindaichi, the star of the show, here's a brief summary of some of the prominent characters you can find in the show:
Miyuki Nanase: Miyuki is Kindaichi's best friend from childhood and extremely intelligent and book smart. She is extremely helps Kindaichi solve crimes with her logic and awareness.
Isamu Kenmochi: A Tokyo homicide police officer that has known Kindaichi since his very first case. He aids Kindaichi in most of his cases and provides the necessary support from law enforcement that Kindaichi needs to nab the killer he is after.
Kengo Akechi: Akechi is Kenmochi's supervising officer and provides the opposite support for Kindaichi. His arrogant personality provides a competitor to Kindaichi's crime solving, although mutual respect is felt between the two as they are both trying to nab the bad guys afterall.
Ryuta Saki: Is known for filming anything and everything with the camera he has on him at all times. His filming helps solve cases as things are recorded unintentionally that aid in finding the sought-after murderer.
Reika Hayami: Reika is a famous actress in the series who is saved by Kindaichi from attempted murder. Since Kindaichi saved her she develops a growing crush on him.
Fumi Kindaichi: Fumi, also nicknamed "Chibkin" (meaning little Kindaichi) is Kindaichi's cousin. She is also a sleuth like Kindaichi and solves some of her own small mysteries on the show. She also provides a little humor between her and Kindaichi by poking fun at him during the series.
Yoichi Takato: aka "The Pupetteer From Hell" is Kindaichi's nemesis on the show. After finding out about his mother's murder, it triggers a series of events leading Takato down a parallel life of Kindaichi. Instead of solving crimes, he is the culprit. A cold-hearted character uses other people as his "puppets" to commit crimes that Kindaichi then tries to solve. He is the classic antagonist in this series.
If you have watched the show, let us know who your favorite character is in the comments below!
See below for a list of all the episodes currently available on Hulu's streaming services:
Episode 1: Academy's Seven Mysteries Murders
Episode 2: Siren Island Murder Case Part 1
Episode 3: Siren Island Murder Case Part 2
Episode 4: White Snake Brewery Murder Case
Episode 5: Ghost of the Abandoned Hospital
Episode 6: Kindaichi the Killer Part 1
Episode 7: Kindaichi the Killer Part 2
Episode 8: Headhunting Samurai Murder Case
Episode 9: Murders by the Phantom of the Opera Part 1
Episode 10: Murders by the Phantom of the Opera Part 2