JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, the popular anime and manga series that's known more for the stylish poses its protagonist strikes than its quirky plot and characters is set to receive a live-action film adaptation from TOHO and WB Japan later this year. The manga creator Hirohiko Araki recently appeared on TV to discuss his series and the forthcoming film adaptation, which admittedly has the author a little nervous. Here's why. "
First I wondered if they would be able to properly depict Stands. Also [I wondered] if the actors would be able to portray the atmosphere. I’m both worried and excited."
However, the first look at the project seems to have made Araki a little more optimistic that a quality adaptation is being produced. "
It’s surprising to see [the cast] so similar to the source material. I think it’s wonderful. Maybe I should use [lead actor Kento Yamazaki] as a model for when I draw…"
The first footage for the project was just released last week, although the Stands were not physically depicted. Given past anime adaptation's lackluster cgi, fans (and it seems Arkai as well) are probably worried that the Stands may look as bad as
the Titans in the live-action Attack on Titan movie or
the Roaches in the live-action Terra Formars movie.
With a release date of August 4, the live-action
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure movie should be releasing a glimpse of the cgi Stands in the coming weeks. Stay tuned to AnimeMojo for your first look!