The upcoming anime adaptation of the Meddlesome Kitsune Senko-san web manga follows an everyday Japanese salaryman who suddenly has to share his humble abode with an 800-year-old fox spirit that looks like a little girl. It seems Nakano works for a notorious "black" company and his dire predicament attracts the 800-year-old deity who makes it her mission to spoil him.
The manga is a wholesome comedy and the anime appears to have retained that core essence. There's a ton of shonen shows debuting this April, along with a slew of heavyweights continuing on from the Winter so there's a strong chance that Kitsune could become a fan-favorite of the slice-of-life crowd.
The everyday life of Nakano, a salaryman working for an exploitative company, is suddenly intruded upon by the fox, Senko-san (800-year-old little girl). Whether it be cooking, cleaning, or special service(?)... she'll heal his exhaustion with her tender "care."