After beginning in 2006 in the pages of Houbunsha's Manga Time Special magazine, Ruri Miyahara's Love Lab will be concluding in the December issue of the publication. The manga previously received a 13-episode anime adaptation in 2013 from Studio Doga Koba and streamed on Crunchyroll.
You cna check out a preview of the anime below and stream it for free (with commercials) on Crunchyroll.
Fujisaki Girls Academy, commonly known as "Fujijo," is famous for being attended by distinguished young ladies. Stubborn, righteous, and known as "the wild one," student council president aide Riko. Brilliant, beautiful, just, and admired by all students as "Miss Fujisaki," student council president Maki. Shy, easily embarrassed, and clumsy, student council secretary Suzu. Charmingly thick eyebrows and fluffy hair, student council vice president Eno. Money-loving and coolly watching everyone study from behind her glasses, treasurer Sayo.