The upcoming battle fantasy anime Tales of Luminaria the Fateful Crossroad is set to premiere on Funimation later this month on January 20th, and a new English dubbed trailer has been released to celebrate!
The anime adaptation is based upon the iOS and Android RPG mobile game of the same name. It is being animated by studio Kamikaze Douga (Star Wars Visions, Batman Ninja).
As announced back in September (CLICK HERE for the full article) Tales of Luminaria will include 21 characters and will share the story from each of their unique points of view. The anime adaptation, Tales of Luminaria the Fateful Crossroad, will follow the same characters.
The English dubbed episodes will include Aaron Dismuke (Dr. Stone), Eric Vale (Fire Force), Cristina Vee (Vivy-Flourite Eye's Song-), as well as many other talented voice actors accross an intricate variety of protagonists.