Inspired by the action packed animated online feature created by Monty Oum. The manga is set in a futuristic world and follows four younglings who train at the Beacon Academy in order to become world class hunters and huntressess to protect the world from monsters. When asked about what kind of RWBY can readers expect in the manga compaired to anime, Senior Editor Joel Enos had this to say about the manga.
“This is the RWBY that you know and love, but with a twist. Not just an adaptation, this new story is a prequel, depicting events taking place before Ruby, Weiss, Blake and Yang were in the Academy in Volume 1 of the animation.You should expect to see some all-new reveals and backstories for the characters in each new chapter that’s available digitally each week in WEEKLY SHONEN JUMP!”
For those not familiar with the anime, humans and beasts used to coexist without and turmoil in a place called Remnant. Now they are odds and fighting against each other. Now four friends at the Beacon acacdemy train to become some of the best and most fierce hunters and huntresses in their class.
Those interested in the manga can get a special
sneak peak one chapter preview from VIZ Media!
WEEKLY SHONEN JUMP is published digitally each week by VIZ Media and features the latest chapters of some of the world’s most popular manga series released to English readers across North America as well as the U.K., Ireland, South Africa, Australia, New Zealand, India, the Philippines and Singapore on the same day as the magazine’s general print release in Japan. International issues debut each Monday at 10:00am (PST) and monthly subscriptions are available across all territories.