Oreimo duo Tsukasa Fushimi and Hiro Kanzaki returned in 2013 with another sister-love light novel series which was adapted for anime by A-1 Pictures from April to June 2017, totalling 12 episodes. The story follows a high school student named Masamune Izumi, who is himself a light novel writer that has his work illustrated by the mysterious, Eromanga Sensei- an artist who never reveals his face. Or should I say "her" face as Izumi inadvertently discovers one day that Eromanga Sensei is none other than his younger sister.
The series had many similarities toFushimi and Kanzaki's most popular work, Oreimo, which follows another high school brother and sister duo who fight like cats and dogs until the former finds a hentai DVD inside of what was suppoused to be a magical girl blu-ray.
An ongoing manga adaptation of Eromanga Sensei began publication in Dengeki Daiohi in May 2014 and released its seventh volume this past October.
You can check out the announcement trailer for the OVA below. Additional information about the forthcoming special will be released at a later date.