The popular romantic comedy manga Don't Toy With Me, Miss Nagatoro is finally getting Its long-awaited anime adaptation! The official trailer dropped during the holiday weekend (if you live in the US) and the series is set to begin airing this spring!
Don't Toy With Me, Miss Nagatoro, by Author 774, made Its manga debut in 2017 when it began Its serialization in Magazine Pocket, an online web manga magazine. It follows high school girl Hayase, who finds nothing more entertaining than teasing her senior schoolmate, an aspiring artist. He's a timid young man who realizes that he doesn't acutually dislike her, and they become uneasy friends.
The anime television series adaptation is by Telecom Animation Film (Tower of God, All Out!!) and is being directed by Hirokazu Hanai. Taku Kishimoto is supervising the script and character design is being handled by Misaki Suzuki. Gin is in charge of music composotion with Uesaka performing the opening theme song.
When an introverted male student meets a girl called Nagatoro, his life is turned upside down. She first quietly observes his reaction to verbal abuse from some other high-school girls that are not well-meaning, realizes that oddly enough in his case it may be exactly what he needs, and so begins a sequence of her teasing him. It soon becomes increasingly obvious (to the viewer/reader, not to him) that her teasing is actually sardonic, well-intentioned, and flirtatious, but he eventually starts to catch on.
Will you be watching Don't Toy With Me, Miss Nagatoro when it lands this spring (2021)?!