Yasuhisa Hara's Kingdom premiered in the pages of Shueisha's Weekly Shonen Jump, in 2006. The series is a historical fiction that is set in China and covers the life of a boy named of Xin and his journey to become a great general and hopefully unify a warring China. The series was such a success that even now, it still continues with the hope to reach 100 volumes and at this rate it just may get there!
The manga was also successful enough to have an anime series that released in 2012 and has had a second completed season. The series has also streamed, through Funimation, in North America and has even had a live action film released. With all of its adaptions being complete hits, it is no surprise that hte third season would be coming, this year.
The third season of Kingdom has recently released some great news, in regards to the third season. With its release in Japan, there will also be a streaming release for the third season of the series, on Funimation, for the US, UK, Canada, and Ireland. This will be coming along with the platform's spring 2020 release slate.
Excited for the new season? Make sure to share your thoughts in the comments section! Kingdom will be streaming on Funimation and releasing, in Japan, on April 5th!