Neon Genesis Evangelion, also known simply asĀ Evangelion, is an iconic Japanese anime TV series that aired from October 1995 to March 1996. It was created and directed by Hideaki Anno, produced by Gainax and Tatsunoko Production, consists of 26 episodes, and is now considered one of the most influential and critically acclaimed anime series of all time, especially in the 90s.
The story of Neon Genesis Evangelion takes place in a world destroyed by an apocalypse, where humanity is threatened by massive creatures called Angels. The series follows the story of Shinji Ikari, a teenage boy who is approached by his estranged father to pilot a giant bio-mechanical robot to fight against these creatures. The narrative explores complex themes such as existentialism, depression, and the human psyche, setting it apart from other mecha series.
Neon Genesis Evangelion derives inspiration from various sources, including Judeo-Christian symbolism, psychoanalytic concepts, and Anno's personal experiences with depression. It is an original work and not based on any existing material. The series has been analyzed and interpreted in many ways, and its influence is evident in numerous subsequent works of anime and popular culture.
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