Based on the iconic anime series of the same name, Cowboy Bebop is a live-action series that premiered on Netflix back in November and stars John Cho, Mustafa Shakir, and Daniella Pineda, among others. The reception to the ten-episode series was divisive at best, both from critics and general audiences (based on Rotten Tomatoes).
It turns out that Netflix has already pulled the plug on this live-action adaptation after just one season and only three weeks after its initial premiere.
The Hollywood Reporter reveals that the show had a strong debut, pulling in seventy-four million viewing hours since its premiere, interest wained in the following weeks. Viewership reportedly dropped 59% for the week of November 29th-December 5th.
"Insiders pointed out Netflix's renewal rate for scripted series that have two or more seasons stands at 60 percent, in line with industry averages, and, like all Netflix renewal verdicts, the decision was made by balancing the show's viewership and cost. The streamer also prides itself on taking big swings on projects like Cowboy Bebop and has many other genre shows on the air and in the works."
See You Space Cowboy...