Initially releasing in 1991, Naoko Takeuchi launched the iconic shojo series, Sailor Moon. The series tells the story of a group of young girls given otherworldly power to defeat the evil forces that threaten their home.
The manga was such a hit that an anime was later released in 1992. While the original airing concluded in 1997, the anime hit a resurgence upon reaching the west. Not long after that, the franchise continued with various manga and anime spin-offs.
Some of the more iconic spin-offs include the Sailor Moon Crystal series and the multiple films that have continued the story of the sailor scouts. Following the massive success of Sailor Moon Crystal, creators wanted to do something special for the fourth season.
What was decided was that the fourth season would be split into two films under the name Sailor Moon Eternal. The film project plans to cover the "Dead Moon" arc from the original manga and also marks the first time in 25 years that the series has been in theaters.
Initially, the films were supposed to release this year; however, due to the current pandemic shutting down or postponing multiple projects, plans had changed. As of now, both parts of the film will be releasing at the beginning of next year.
The wait may be longer, but the anticipation will continue to build! Make sure to share your thought on the recent delay and make a point to view the announcement trailer for the delay!
A 14-year-old underachieving young sailor-suited schoolgirl named Usagi Tsukino meets a magical talking cat named Luna. Luna gives Usagi the ability to transform into her magical alter ego — Sailor Moon — tasked with locating the moon princess and battling the evil forces of the Dark Kingdom.
Sailor Moon Eternal is set to release part one on January 8th, 2021, and part 2 on February 11th, 2021!