Koyoharu Gotoge's epic shonen series Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba has quickly become one of the highest-selling manga series in the world, following a short four-year run. In that time, the franchise has spawned an anime, an upcoming film, and a game that is on its way!
Centered around the character of Tanjiro, the young boy travels the land in an effort to cure his sister of a demon curse that was given other by the same demon that massacred his family. He trains to become a demon slayer on his journey, using unique breathing techniques that imbue his sword with immense power.
Fans of the series have found that it can be somewhat difficult to get their hands on a lot of merch for the series; however, that concern will not last for long as a brand new prop replica of Tanjiro's Nichirin blade is on the way! The black blade stands at just under 3 feet and is a mix of ABS plastic and die-cast. As an added bonus, the blade even plays the shows theme songs, Gurenge, and plays about 70- audio clips from Tanjiro (that can even play while the theme does)!
This new replica has truly pulled out all the stops for fans and looks to be a must-have for any fans of the series! Make sure to share your thoughts in the usual spot, and don't forget to check out the new product trailer below!
The story takes place in Taishō-era Japan. It follows protagonist Tanjiro Kamado and his sister Nezuko Kamado as they seek for a cure to Nezuko's demon curse. Tanjiro and Nezuko become entangled in the affairs of a secret society, known as the Demon Slayer Corps, that have been waging a secret war against demons for centuries.
Tanjiro's Nichirin blade from Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba will be available for $73 in February 2021!