In 2016, Shueisha's Weekly Shonen Jump released Koyoharu Gotouge's Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba. The series was a runaway hit and featured a story about a timid young boy who finds his courage with the drive to kill the demon that murdered his family and changed his sister into a demon, herself. By doing this he decides to become a demon slayer. Through his journey he meets fellow slayers and overcomes great obstacles. The series has been a smash hit since its release.
The success of the manga later spawned an equally successful anime that has one season and an upcoming film, that will release this year. The series has also spawned a new video game, that is in development now. With all of these different forms of media being adapted, this has never compromised the original narrative of the manga. Instead of continuing the story for the forseeable future, Gotouge has revealed that the series will instead be concluding this year. However, this will not stop the manga from breaking records.
As of this reporting year, which goes from November to October, the manga series has sold 40 million copies. However this has not stopped the series from topping itself. Acccording to the series official Twitter, the series has now broken its own record and has sold 60 million copies. Not only does this top hit series like One Piece, Yu Yu Hakusho, Gintama and others; it is the highest grossing manga of 2020!
Excited about this news? Sad to see the series ending? We would love to hear your thoughts in the usual spot!