If you weren’t aware, the man behind the popular anime, Fairy Tail, Hiro Mashima, is working on a new manga series known as Eden Zero. Like any other creator, Mashima is concerned about piracy, and as such, he went on Twitter to urge fans to fend off the need to pirate his work.
This shouldn’t come as a surprise because no author would want folks to pirate their work, especially if it’s an important part of their earning. Now, Eden Zero has yet to launch, but certainly when it does, and because it has a popular author behind it, it’s going to be pirated frequently.
“This new work will be distributed simultaneously in five languages. The official publication is on June 27th, so any language circulating before then is illegal,” according to Mashima on Twitter.
“I would like every reader to read this story and have them enjoy it, so don’t go looking for illegal uploads or show spoilers to readers who are waiting for it.”
There are plans to have Eden Zero released in Japanese and English on day one, therefore, no one should even consider reading it via the illegal channels on the web. Manga readers should make every effort to support authors because a lot of work goes into bringing great storytelling and character design to the masses.
What is Eden Zero about?
Mashima has yet to release any information about his new manga where the plot is concerned. We’ve seen sketches of the characters, and many look quite similar to those from Fairy Tail, especially the main character. But outside of that, nothing else is known.
We’re sure to learn more in the coming days as the first chapter is close to landing.