Atsushi Ohkubo, the creator of Soul Eater, released the manga series Fire Force, in the pages of Kodansha's Weekly Shonen Magazine, in 2015. The series tells the story of a world where spontaneous human combustion creates a chance for fire creatures to take over humans and wreck havoc on the planet. Due to this, a crew of highly trained combatants is dispatched to defeat them as a new version of "firefighters" members of the Fire Force use magic, tools, and pyrokinesis to defeat their enemies. The series follows the main character, Shinra, as he joins one of these teams.
The manga has been a massive hit upon release, with 23 volumes released, and has launched a fantastic anime that has completed its first season. The series has streamed on multiple streaming sites. The anime has also seen a western premiere on the Toonami programming block on Adult Swim.
After its first season, the second was an inevitability and has been in production since. Now that the season is gearing up for a summer release, it's time to meet some new characters that will be coming to the series.
One of the new characters, voiced by Daisuke Ono, is Pan Ko Paat. Paat acts as the captain of Fire Force Company 4. He was also Shinra and Arthur's instructor and loves to use the whistle hanging around his neck. For a taste of what to expect, a new promo was revealed, showcasing the new character. Make sure to check it out below!
The new character is sure to bring a new perspective on comedy and tension. Curious about the new character? Make sure to check out the new character promo below! We would love to hear your thoughts on the newest addition!
Terror has paralyzed the clockwork metropolis of Tokyo! Possessed by demons, people have begun to burst into flame, leading to the establishment of a special firefighting team: the Fire Force, ready to roll on a moment's notice to fight spontaneous combustion anywhere it might break out.
The team is about to get a very unique addition: Shinra, a boy who possesses the unique power to run at the speed of a rocket, leaving behind the famous "devil's footprints" (and destroying his shoes in the process). Can the Fire Force discover the source of this strange phenomenon and put a stop to it? Or will the city burn to ashes first?
Fire Force season 2 is set to release this July!