Kenjiro Hata's Fly Me to the Moon manga series will be receiving an anime adaptation that will launch in October. The news was confirmed via the official Shogakukan Comic (the manga magazine where the series is published) Twitter account. The series actually already has a strong North American following (thanks to scanlations). Viz Media will be releasing an official English-language version around the same time that the anime launches.
Fly Me to the Moon, follows a teenage boy named Nasa, who meets a beautiful girl at his high school entrance exam. She agrees to go out with him but only if they get married. Years later, after Nasa is forced to get a job instead of going to high school, he encounters that same girl and the two end up getting married. It's thought that the series is partially inspired by Hata's own marriage to voice actress Masumi Asano. The two wed in 2018.
Hata, a noted martial artist, wrapped up his popular Hayate the Combat Butler manga series in 2017 after a 13-year, 52 volume run.
Expect details on the staff and voice cast to follow in the coming weeks.