Haikyu!! To the Top is a series based on the shonen series of the same name. The sports anime tells the story of a high school volleyball team and how the teammates come together to defeat each rival school that is pitted against them. As of now, the second half of the fourth season, for the anime, is on its way and with it a brand new wave of news and reveals have been coming.
The most recent season was released, in Japan, in January and has also been streaming on Crunchyroll, for a much wider audience. While the first cour of the season is airing, in the beginning of April, news for the second cour is already dropping. This includes a brand new trailer and even a new visual!
The newest visual that has been revealed features the teams from Karasuno high and Inarizaki high as they compete for the Spring High National Tournament. The artwork really captures the energy of the series and is completed with the tagline of "The Monster's Feast -- Begins!". Make sure to check out the new visual below!
Excited for the second half? Loving the new visual? We would love to hear your thoughts in the usual spot! Haikyu!! To the Top's second half premieres, in Japan and Crunchyroll simulcast, sometime in July!