The TV anime adaptation of Kakuriyo no Yudomeshi ("Making a Living at an Inn in the Afterlife") was announced yesterday and Laruha, the original illustrator for the series, has published a new piece of artwork via Twitter to help with celebrating this new milestone for the "food fantasy" light novel series written by Midori Yuuma.
Here is the official tweet with the translation below:
Translation: Congratulations on becoming an anime, Kakuriyo no Yudomeshi! And thank you very much...!! I'm extremely happy to be one of the people involved in the original work. The broadcast is going to be super-fun, and I can't wait to enjoy it...!!
Here is a look at the poster art for the anime coming in 2018 followed by a synopsis of the series!
In Kakuriyo no Yudomeshi, Aoi is a college student who possesses the ability to see spirits. One day she is whisked away to the underworld by a demon-god who is also the proprietor of an otherworldly inn known as the "Tenjin-ya". The demon-god claims that Aoi must marry him in order to pay off her grandfather's substantial debt, but instead Aoi agrees to work as a cook at the Tenjin-ya in order to earn enough to return to the land of the living.