Initially created in 2016, Kemono Jihen is a unique manga series that follows an investigator who is tasked with trying to figure out why animals continue to die in a small town. From there, he meets a young man who only adds further layers to the investigation—the series launched in Jump SQ magazine and was created by Sho Aimoto.
For some time now, fans have been aware of the anime that is set to release, based on the occult fantasy story. However, aside from a teaser, not much else has been announced for the series before this week. Thankfully, some awesome questions are about to be answered that even include a premiere date!
One of the announcements made involves the theme songs and their artists; the OP will be titled "Kemonomichi" (Path of The Beast) and will be performed by voice-actor Daisuke Ono while the ED song is titled "-Shirushi-" (The Mark) and will be performed by singer Sayaka Sasaki! Both singers wanted to tell the audience how they felt about hte opportunity, and Ono stated, "We all live in solitude. We are all running in the pitch-black darkness of the path of the beast. Beyond that, there is always a light of hope waiting for us. I put my heart into this song, hoping that you can feel a ray of light in the darkness, just like Kabane is led to the Inugami Detective Agency in the story. "
Sasaki also added, "I'm so grateful and happy to be working on the anime adaptation of 'Kemono Jihen' with music! This time, I didn't aim to create an ED song that cleanses or resets the mind after watching each episode, but rather to create an ED song that leaves a tugging or craving that will fill your head with Kabane and his friends until the next week. I've done my best to pack the worldview of the anime into the lyrics! I hope you'll find the names of everyone in the Inugami Detective Agency and the phrases that I sing about them in the full version of the song and become more immersed in the story. I asked Yuuki Honda-san (Arte Refact), who I have trusted immensely, to serve as the song's writing and arrangement partner. I put all my heart and soul for 'Kemono Jihen' into this song, and I hope this feeling will reach you all...!"
With the love and effort being put into this new project from all fronts, it is sure to blow away fans on its January premiere. We would love to hear your thoughts on the announcements in the usual spot!
When a series of animal bodies that rot away after a single night begin appearing in a remote mountain village, Inugami, a detective from Tokyo who specializes in the occult, is called to investigate. While working the case, he befriends a strange boy who works in the field every day instead of going to school.
Kemono Jihen will release in Japan on January 10th, 2021!