In a better world, the second season of Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid would have already been released by Kyoto Animation. The TV anime adaptation of Coolkyousinnjya's shonen manga series first aired during the Winter 2017 anime season and captured a large fan base in Japan and North America, making a second season somewhat inevitable (which was confirmed in February 2019). However, a backlog of projects at KyoAni meant the anime studio couldn't immediately begin work on a second season. But then... disaster struck.
In the early hours of July, 18, 2019, a deranged fan threw an improvised explosive in the main anime studio on the KyoAni campus, resulting in massive destruction and several untimely deaths. Among the deceased was Yasuhiro Takemoto, the director of the first season of Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid. Many fans assummed that a second season of Kobayashi would (understandibly) be put on the back burner.
However, as KyotoAni looks to return to normalcy, the studio has confirmed this morning that the second season of Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid is still in the works and that it will be released some time in 2021. A new teaser visual has been released by the studio's official Twitter account, which you can view below.
There's no word on any staff information, particularly who at KyotoAni will have the unenviable task of filling Yasuhiro Takemoto's shoes. However, this info should be released relativley soon so keep it locked to AnimeMojo for future updates.
Miss Kobayashi is your average office worker who lives alone in her small apartment―until a young and adorable dragon girl named Tooru appears before her. Upon saving Tooru’s life, the fiesty dragon will do anything to pay off her debt of gratitude, including insisting that she move in with Miss Kobayashi and serve her in any way she does or doesn’t desire.
Now Miss Kobayashi finds herself with a new, imposing roommate, who is doing her best to help out around the home. But when you’re a dragon, nothing is ever simple. Kobayashi’s normal life just went off the deep end.