Samurai 8: The Tale of Hachimaru is the brainchild of Masashi Kishimoto (Naruto) and Akira Okubo. Samurai 8 is a sort of coming of age story that melds the traditions of Japanese samurai with a unique science fiction twist. Hachimaru, a sickly young boy, finds a chance to become a fabled samurai; someone who carries a unique soul that allows someone to be a samurai. Coming off of Naruto, this tale takes a very different story approach and leans heavily into technology and space travel.
Recently, an announcement came from Shueisha's Weekly Shonen Jump that after nearly a year, the manga series has reached its conclusion. While some may find this as a bit of a shock, considering the length of Kishimoto's previous work, a smaller scale story may be just what the series needs right now. With five volumes, this may be the best way to get into the writing (and art) style of Kishimoto and art style of Okubo, before diving into Naruto's 15 year catalog.

Sad to see the series end? Curious what the next step for these creators willl be? Make sure to share your thoughts in the comments!