The new anime series called Seven Sense Of The Re'Union is based on the 2015 manga series written by Noritake Tao and illustrated by booota. The anime was Previously announced back in September of 2017, the TV anime adaptation of Seven Senses of the Re'Union (known as Shichisei no Subaru in Japan) will begin broadcasting on Tokyo Broadcasting System and Mainichi Broadcasting System later in 2018. Further details on the production (such as the cast, the staff, and the exact release date) have not yet been revealed.
Described as a "childhood friend x youth battle online" work, Seven Senses of the Re'Union tells the story of an MMORPG named "Union" and a legendary band of elementary school age players known as "Subaru". When an incident involving a player's death causes Union to shut down, Subaru breaks up and its members go their separate ways. Six years later Haruto, a high school student and former member of Subaru, logs on to the new Re'Union game. There he encounters Asahi, his childhood friend and another former Subaru member. But Asahi died six years ago...
Here are some more images of the other characters that will be appearing in the series for your viewing pleasure!
What are your thoughts on the new anime series that will be arriving soon? Are you interested in it? Have you read the manga before? Let us know what you know in the comments down below!