Since the first volume of the light novel series, Sword Art Online has become one of the fastest-growing franchises in the world of manga and anime. Reki Kawahara's series has seen multiple volumes, manga, anime, films, and video games!
Most recently, the biggest series in the Sword Art Online franchise has been Sword Art Online: Alicization. As an anime, the show premiered in 2018 and features the protagonist of the series, Kirito, in a whole new world and encountering brand new characters.
Being hailed as a return to form for the series, Alicization has aired across the world, even in an English dub, during Adult Swim's Toonami programming block. In a recent announcement, the English dub of the series has also released on both the Crunchyroll and Funimation streaming services!
With so many episodes of the series' dubbed version out, now is an excellent time to catch up on the anime! Make sure to share your thoughts in the usual spot!
Deep in an unfamiliar forest, Kirito awakens with sensations far too convincing for a virtual world… With memories of a life he doesn’t remember living. A boy and a girl…and a name that sticks in his mind: Alice.
Funimation and Crunchyroll viewers in North America, Central America, South America, Australia, New Zealand, the U.K., and Ireland, should be able to watch the English dub of Sword Art Online: Alicization right now!