The upcoming OVA (original video animation) episodes of Yu Yu Hakusho, Two Shots and Noruka Soruka, have shared new screenshots to get the hype building up. These two episodes will be attached to the 25th Anniversary Blu-ray set that will be out on October 26. The opening theme Smiling Bomb and the ending themes When the Sun Shines Again / Day Dream Generation will be in the set as well.
The 25th anniversary box set is a Special Limited Edition containing all 4 Volumes. The Spiritual Detective Edition which is the 1st episode to the 26th, it will cost 18,000 yen. Volume 1, the SPE contains the first recording of the theatrical version of Yu Yu Hakusho White Pearl Netherworld Death Battlefields. This only existed in LD and VHS but it is now in HD.
Volume 2, the Dark Martial Arts Society Edition which includes episodes 27 to 66, it will cost 24,000 yen. Volume 3, the Senji's Edition contains episodes 67 to 94, it will cost 17,000 yen. Volume 4, the Makai Hen will have episodes 95 to 112 and will cost 13,000 yen. This fourth volume also contains new animations that have never been seen., and/or the user who contributed this post, may earn commissions or revenue through clicks or purchases made through any third-party links contained within the content above.