In 2014, Kadokawa's Monthly Dragon Age magazine dropped Kenji Saito and Kouzi Yokoyama's Rednight Eve manga series. The story for the series, as follows, "Tells the story of when Hana Akanegasaki is attacked by a giant shark while vacationing by the seaside. She becomes involved in a series of supernatural events known as the "Rednight Eve." Saito has created another successful series called Trinity Seven which also had its own anime series on top of it! It was recently announced, sadly, that the Rednight Eve manga was officially set to end before the end of the year.
Even though the series will be ending, however, there will still be more content after its ending. The manga, as of now, has 8 volumes and will be releasing a 9th, and final, volume this February. Sad to see the series end? Share your thoughts in the usual spot!